• +852 62687107
  • info@powerstability.com
  • HongKong

Primary Lithium Battery Failure Product Processing

Fault classification of primary lithium battery products:

Serial Number Category Remark
Deformation damage
Deformed appearance, or mechanical damage during application
Low voltage
The open circuit voltage of battery is lower than the standard before application
Component damage
Battery with external leads, pins, connectors, etc. are damaged
Insulation packaging damage
The battery insulation package is damaged
Leaks/Liquid Spills
Test/Damage leakage occurs during application/ Liquid Spills
No useful battery after use/test

1. Deformed and damaged products:

Please place it in the original packaging for safe storage, aand clearly mark it; or take the positive and negative pole insulation package and place it in the designated place of the designated shelf, and clearly mark it; please place itout of reach of children and pets, away from heat sources and exposure.

Regularly deliver the item to a qualified institution for disposal.

2. Low voltage products:

Please place it in the original packaging for safe storage and cclearly mark it.

Keep out of reach of children and pets, away from heat and sunlight.

Regularly deliver the item to a qualified institution for dispossal.

3. Component damaged product:

It is recommended to return this type of product to the original factory for repair or replacement.

If you have the processing ability, you can designate a ceertain professional to process the replacement components.

After the replacement processing is completed, perform tine insulation package necessary for the application.

4. Damaged insulation packaging:

This category refers to: the product trademark is damaged, or the insulation package is damaged.

Please put the battery with this problem in the original packagilng and keep it insulated.

Keep out of reach of children and pets, away from heat andd sunlight.

It is recommended to return to the original factory for repplacement or repair.

5. Leak/Liquid Spill Products:

It is recommended to return to the original factory for repplacement or repair.

The solution value should be kept at 8.5≥PH value>7.5.

In case of low value please add sodium bicarbonate solid or solution.

After 45 working days, please hand it over to a professiondal institution or bury it deep.

The product does not contain heavy metals, and does not contain toxic and harmful substances. During the process, please keep it out of thereach of children and pets, away from heat sources and exposure.

6. Waste:

Please store used batteries in insulating and shockproof packkaging, or in the original packaging.

Please keep them out of reach of children and pets, away from heat sources and exposure to sunlight.

Please regularly hand it over to a qualified institution fordisposal.

Self-disposal is not recommended.


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