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How does a downhole high-temperature lithium battery in a well resist electromagnetic interference?

Putting a metal protective suit on a battery is like putting a protective suit on a person by adding a layer of something metal on the outside of the battery, such as a metal foil or metal mesh. This layer of metal can shut out the electromagnetic signals generated inside the battery and also block the electromagnetic signals from outside from coming in, like a protective shield.

Line up the circuits, the circuits inside the battery are like a group of people walking, if they walk in a mess, it is easy to make a mess. Line up the circuits neatly, so that the current walks a little shorter and smoother, which produces less electromagnetic interference.

Give the cable to wear a coat, connected to the battery line is like a small pipe, give them to wear electromagnetic signal shielding coat, electromagnetic interference will not be easy to run out from here or run in.

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